I humbly pray with a softened heart...
...for those in distress, at home, in hospitals, in isolation, and can't breathe because of Covid-19, family members, health care workers that are trying to help or save them in the intensive care units (ICU)s. Wuhan, Italy, Spain, New York City, and where ever Corona virus is present on the planet...
(We really have a big problem, it is our hardened heart towards each other. (Matthew 24:12,13) Which is worst towards our Loving Heavenly Father who created Heaven and Earth with everything in it including us just like His Word the bible says in the book of Genesis (1:1-31).
Did you know, the Novel Corona virus hardens the airways, then the lungs making it impossible for the infected to breathe on their own.
With medical ventilators and caring hospital staff fighting for each of us beyond human strength, strangers providing us God given loving care till the end, and most recover but those who not enter eternity meeting God in judgement.) (Hebrews 9:27).
... I humbly pray with a softened heart asking for Your help Heavenly Father be merciful to me, my family, and all relatives, my friends and colleagues, government officials, all my fellow men who believe in You, to heal us both physically form this pestilence and that You save us spiritually from sin as well.
Through Your all powerful Son — that we might serve, and worship You in our deeds thoughts and words throughout this life in obedience and the next to come —for the Glory and in the name of the Savior Lord Jesus (Matthew 28:18) to whom be glory praises and honor be forever.
This is my prayer for you and me.
Romans 14:7-9
7 "For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. 8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. 9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living."
authorized King James bible
(share it and put your name next to mine if this also is your prayer)
John Janos Tar
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